Teaching journalists, newsrooms and educators the skills needed for the future of journalism.

We help journalists and newsrooms build skills in community journalism, improving the quality of local journalism and rebuilding trust in the media. We help people use their writing skills to empower readers and improve society. Our mission is to make journalism training accessible to all, helping to increase representation and plurality of views in the media.

“Community journalism shifts the balance of power from the media to the people, ensuring that journalism works for the benefit of and not at the expense of communities.”

Founder & Director, Tabitha Stapely

Constructive Journalism

Building stronger communities & economies

From sourcing local stories, constructive journalism, cross cultural communications, place narrative and branding, sustainable business models, learn everything you need to run your own community journalism news outlet.

Solutions Journalism

Investigating solutions to world problems

Learn how to critically appraise solutions being developed to tackle society’s biggest issues, and build an evidence case that demonstrates its impact and its limitations, according to the four pillars of Solutions Journalism.

Digital, Data & AI Journalism

Future-proofing the media

Prepare yourself for the future of media and learn how to use Chat GPT, leverage SEO for discoverability, develop a content strategy, harness social media to build audiences and use AI in your newsroom.

Social Activism Journalism

Empowering people to make the change

Learn about local democracy, how to run and support a grassroots campaign, the power of case studies, using Freedom of Information requests, and the power of persuasive writing to bring about change.

Enrol in a course today!

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